We’re at the end of NaNoWriMo – National November Writers Month.

The challenge of NaNoWriMo is to write 50,000 words of a novel during the thirty days of November. I’ve been doing my own version of it this November as I knew I didn’t have the time to commit to the full 50,000 words at this time of year. Too much going on at work, with family life and I even had to do my civic duty and undertake Jury Duty for a week this month.

However, NaNoWriMo is a great way to prioritise and commit to regular writing. I decided to take the opportunity and start work on a story idea for a series I’ve had for a while which is aimed at the middle grade/YA level. I had already plotted the first book out, undertaken some research and have fleshed out the general overall story for the series.  I set myself the target of writing 500 words every day, so my target was only 15,000 for the month.

To carve out the writing time I made a commitment to get up 1 ½ hours earlier each weekday morning. I’m pleased to say I exceeded my set levels and have written over 20,000 words for the month and am well into the first book in the series and things seem to be coming together so far. I have even quite enjoyed getting up at 4.30am each morning! I’m planning to continue this for December, or at least up until Christmas and see how far I get.

 Hope you’re all looking forward to summer!

Happy Reading x x