The first half of the year has flown by. Two short lockdowns threw many plans out the window as we struggled to deal with cancelled events, home-schooling, working from home, illness (not COVID-19 – just normal flu), rescheduling of events and activities, a couple of hectic work months and the general levels of uncertainty permeating life.

My plans for this year have been somewhat side-tracked but I have managed to accomplish the additional research for the first children’s novel (in a series) that I am writing. I’ve started on the 2nd draft of this with the help of my writer’s critique group who have provided some great feedback and direction.  I have a second project on the go, and this is a fun kid’s chapter book I wrote last year for 7–9-year-olds. My fourth draft of this is now out with Beta Readers for feedback and I’m starting to plot out a sequel. So, if you like animals, pirates, and some crazy fun, you can sign up to my newsletter to learn more and/or follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Happy Reading! x x