It’s been a crazy year that’s for sure!

Mid August saw an outbreak of Covid in NZ and Auckland has now been in lockdown since then. Homeschooling and working from home are the new norm, with lots of walks and staying local. The highlight of the week is visiting the supermarket as you are still allowed in those stores (masked, social distancing). We have moved to a level where you can ‘click and collect’, so those retail stores and cafe’s that have this setup can operate to an extent. At least I can now get coffee!

Being in the right headspace to write has been difficult, so I have put my middle-grade novel to the side and have been concentrating on writing short stories and focussing on completing the first book in my chapter book series that contains animals, pirates, and some crazy fun.

It’s an involved process – This first chapter book has been through 16 steps already in its journey.

Character prep/ world building
Draft 1
Draft 2
Draft 3
Beta readers 1
Draft 4
Beta readers 2
Draft 5
Draft 6
Editor 1
Draft 7
Editor 2
Final manuscript

I’m now on the final step of this stage – Time to submit!

The first draft of the second book has been completed and I am currently plotting out the third.

So, if you like animals, pirates, and some crazy fun, you can sign up for my newsletter to learn more and/or follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Happy Reading! x x