Welcome to Spring!

My favourite time of the year! Everything seems fresh and new as the days start to lengthen. Buds start sprouting, and gorgeous shades of green appear. Add in the daffodils and freesias, the lambs and birds, warmer temperatures and hopefully sunshine; it’s like a new lease on life where anything seems possible! It’s a fabulous time of year for inspiring creative ideas. 

I’ve just sent my latest manuscript off to be formally assessed after feedback from a few Beta Readers and some further rewriting.

This is the first book in a children’s chapter book series – a real twist on some classic tales.

Formal assessments are a great way to help you work out the plot holes and weaknesses in your characters/story and provide a totally different perspective on your writing. It’s like your own personal masterclass on your manuscript!

While this is being assessed, I’m already a couple of thousand words into book 2 and developing story ideas for books 3 -5!

I’m also querying Book 1 of another children’s chapter book series. Rejection is tough. But it does get easier and is part and parcel of being a writer. At least I now seem to be getting ‘positive rejections’, and I’m learning about the publishing process!

Keep up-to-date on my progress by signing up for my newsletter or follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Happy Reading!